charlotte russe
Small descrition of the client or the project that talks a little about what I did and how I contributed to the project overall. Description can be short or long, either way it should be clear and concise.
Digital Art Director

We had neither the need to get rid of any depression, nor that to increase our already infinite intoxication;
ourselves and our love and the boundless beauty of the ever
changing landscape, a permanent perfection travelling for its pleasure through inexhaustible possibilities!
Yet almost before the words were out of our mouths, a sly smile crept over Lou’s loveliness and kindled the same subtly secret delight in my heart.
Yet almost before the words were out of our mouths, a sly smile crept over Lou’s loveliness and kindled the same subtly secret delight in my heart.
She offered me a pinch of heroin with the air of
communicating some exquisitely esoteric sacrament
and I accepted it and measured her a similar dose on
my own hand as if some dim delirious desire devoured
We took it not because we needed it; but because the act of consummation was, so to speak, an act of religion.
We took it not because we needed it; but because the act of consummation was, so to speak, an act of religion.
It was the very fact that it was not an act of necessity which made it an act of piety.
In the same way, I cannot say that the dose did us any particular good. It was at once a routine and a ritual.
It was a commemoration like the Protestant communion, and at the same time a consecration like the Catholic. It reminded us that we were heirs to the royal rapture in which we were afloat. But also it refreshed that rapture.
In the same way, I cannot say that the dose did us any particular good. It was at once a routine and a ritual.
It was a commemoration like the Protestant communion, and at the same time a consecration like the Catholic. It reminded us that we were heirs to the royal rapture in which we were afloat. But also it refreshed that rapture.

The Bubble Bursts